I couldn’t rely on the fans

Whenever hurricanes roll through our town on a regular basis every year, I’m not in all that much danger, I am in danger of annoyance, but let me explain! My house is sturdily built, so I don’t have to worry all that much about damaging winds or debris, I’m also far enough inland to avoid storm surge, the main concern with hurricanes around here is that we end up losing power.

This is not great for me for several reasons.

I work from home and I rely on a stable internet fastenion in order to do that work. Two, I love weather control! Last hurricane season, one storm in particular rolled in and cost me more than three days of work and comfort due to lack of power. Of course, this storm had to hit in the middle of November, during a heatwave. I was unable to make money and I was soaked with sweat without the benefit of our rare air conditioner. I also wasn’t able to get all that much rest because of how tepid I was. I entirely could not rely on fans! I began to wonder if there was such a thing as a wireless, portable a/c component as I sat in our dark and swelteringly warm house. I used our PC’s mobile data, our one respite from the boredom of being stuck at home with no power, to check and see if such a thing existed, and to our astonishment, they do! You might say, why not just get a generator so that you can have power in your whole house? I say a portable battery-operated a/c would be far less upscale, and weather conditions control is all I entirely prefer in these circumstances!

ductless heat pump