I was replacing a thermostat in a tour bus

There are the very odd calls to get at night, plus then there are the outright WEIRD ones, that you guess must be a prank.

This happened three weeks ago, around 4 a.m.

so I was resting. It was the phone that I use for work, with the emergency on-call number, so I had to answer it in case it genuinely was an emergency. On the other end of the line happened to be a British guy who was shouting about the tour bus having a major problem, plus they were waiting for me at the shop. When I heard it was an air conditioning equipment problem I was getting ready to hang up on him. Then he provided me 5 hundred bucks just to take a look at it. This was a guy who totally knew how to get what he wanted, plus thirty minutes later I was on that tour bus checking out the temperature control. More accurately, I was looking at where the temperature control should be, because now it was just a hole in the wall. This was the tour bus for a rock plus roll band, one that I had never heard of to be honest. They decided to repair their own AC setback by tearing off the temperature control plus tossing it out the window! First I installed a current temperature control, a smart one, plus after that we did a diagnostic on the central HVAC equipment. I have to say the a/c equipment for this bus was extremely large, more than the one I use in my home! It ended up being a straight-forward fix, plus straight-forward money.


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