AC is so great

When my hedgehog needed surgery, I was easily upset, but the vet warned that exotic animals do not typically do well with surgery because they are kind of delicate! Nonetheless, Clover would either have to have the surgery or be euthanized, there were no other humane options, then so all of us went ahead with the surgery. She pulled through the anesthetization well & I got to take her apartment after 2 nights. She instantly started acting a bit strange. This normally secretive hedgehog was now sitting out flat in her cage, however it seemed love she was trying to cool down so I moved her cage next to an a/c vent & cranked up the air conditioning; At about 75 degrees Clover finally started looking comfortable however I was cold. I had to put on a flannel shirt. I felt kind of crazy walking around the beach house in a flannel shirt in the middle of summer! Usually, I keep my temperature control set to about 72 because I am comfortable with that setting, my hedgehog is usually comfortable with that setting, & it saves myself and others money on my electric bill. I did not mind cranking down the air conditioning for just a few afternoons so that Clover could recover fully, oh, & she did recover. It took 3 weeks but now she is completely back to her old self again. She acts love nothing happened at all. I only had to keep the temperature control down for a few afternoons too. Then all of us were back to our proper setting of 72 & I could put away my flannels again.


a/c set up