Air conditioning is something I need when I go camping

They invited me to go camping with them once, but I haven’t since I couldn’t stand the heat.

After much thought, my brother decided to purchase his forever home. Because all of his children are now adults and have left the house, he now lives there only with his girlfriend. His desire to leave the city had always been strong, especially after his ex-wife and he had been divorced for more than ten years. The public schools in the city were superior for kids, despite the fact that my brother loves the outdoors. He’s ready to start living his own life now that all of the kids have gone off to live their own lives, though. A few years ago, he purchased an acre of land in a rural part of the state. The land is located on a lake and is about 15 minutes from the closest town. It is sufficiently isolated from civilization without being too far. His girlfriend doesn’t mind moving to that part of the state because she also likes the outdoors. Both of them take pleasure in hiking, camping, and other activities. They invited me to go camping with them once, but I haven’t since I couldn’t stand the heat. I’d never slept in a tent without air conditioning before, despite the fact that it was summer and the weather was a little chilly. Since then, every time I’ve gone camping, it has been in an RV or a cabin with air conditioning, and I can’t even imagine what it would be like to do it without this comfort. Now that my brother will be living far into the woods, that will also be how I camp. I just hope that his new home has air conditioning because if it does, I most likely won’t spend the night there.


AC filter