You can learn to become an Heating and A/C tech at a trade school

I wanted to go to university from the start.

I was preparing for university as early as middle school, however not everybody was the same.

My siblings all went to university besides one. It was our youngest brother who struggled a lot with academics going as far back as elementary school. My parents were smart and told him that he needed to find what worked for him instead of following the paths of others. While our siblings and I mostly all got truly nice grades, it was our youngest brother who struggled the most in school. It would be easy for a parent to expect all of their children to perform the same in school, however they knew that getting down on our youngest brother would only make his difficulties worse. He tried truly strenuous and still could only get a C in some classes. Well I would have got in trouble if I had gotten to see, that is because our parents knew I was capable of getting an A without trying nearly as strenuous as our youngest brother; And because they were smart about nurturing his strengths, he was able to navigate his way into trade school towards the end of high school. He decided to become an Heating and A/C supplier after reviewing the options at trade school. He has always wanted to work with his hands and he said that he was fascinated by the whole world of Heating and A/C technology in general. He wants a few videos on YouTube about the refrigeration cycle and how cooling systems work, which he said was fascinating.

Rooftop HVAC