My buddy’s geo heat pump is amazing

I was quite impressed when my friend was showing me his new geo heat pump.

  • These heat pumps are designed to pull the heating energy from beneath the ground.

I think that in itself is pretty amazing. He said it cost a pretty good amount of money to have everything installed to work with the geo heat pump, but it certainly was worth it. He says his heating bills are lower than they have ever been. He also explained how this geo heat pump works all year round providing both heating and cooling whenever I need it. Of course he uses a ductwork system, but his ductwork is in pretty great shape. Also he has the ductwork cleaned every other year so he doesn’t have a buildup of dust and debris. I was thinking about having my HVAC system upgraded soon as well, but I never would have considered a geo heat pump. It’s all about moving the heating energy with a heat pump. In the cold season you obviously need to bring the heating energy into your household. In the hot season, you want to reverse the function of the heat pump so the heating energy is pushed out. In the case of the geothermal heat pump, that heating energy is pushed right back down into the ground for the ultimate cooling in your home. The thing that’s most impressive about these geo heat pumps is how energy efficient they are. They are genuinely the most energy efficient HVAC on the market these days. I think that’s a great reason to go for the investment.

geo heat pump