I was feeling cold at my school’s reunion party

I was cheerful to attend our 10 year private school reunion! I still kept in touch with some private school friends, and both of us had all decided to go together, to ease the awkwardness of seeing seasoned prom dates, classmates, and teachers! My private school is in a temperature that is cold most of the year.

  • Well, at least compared to our new temperature, which is hot year-round for sure.

After I graduated, our parents moved somewhere warmer, after which I went to university in the south. And after completing numerous degrees, I decided that I wanted to stay, and so, you can only imagine our surprise when I left the airport, still dressed for our sunny weather back home, and realized that I was completely underdressed for the freezing cold! Fast-forward to the reunion. My friends and I walked to the gym together… I was still cold in the outside air, and the gym wasn’t much warmer! I had to find a heating vent… I walked along the walls until I found a spot where hot air was blowing down into the gym. I stood under the stream of heated air, and silently prayed to the gas furnace gods. My friends joined me with cocktails and snacks, and asked me what our problem was. I told them how cold it was here! I asked if any of them knew where the gym temperature control was, and they laughed. “This place has been drafty since the 70s at least,” a single one of our friends said. “Yeah, the heating plan hasn’t been replaced since our parents went here,” chimed another… Luckily, a single of our companions had an extra jacket in his car, so I put that on and eventually warmed up. While the reunion was awesome, I couldn’t wait to get back to the sunny south again!



a/c set up