The 12 am HVAC Scare

The people I was with and I all don’t care for to be scared awake.

  • My dad used to find it just hilarious to wake myself and others up in the morning with an old, handheld loudspeaker.

It was alarming and she would just get the biggest kick out of it. I assume she was laboring out some sort of trauma from her Marine Corp afternoons. She would tell myself and others horror stories of having a tote put over her head and then her drill sergeant would start pounding on it with a metal spoon. It’s that or that aged man had some sort of sadistic streak in him. Either way, it was exhausting and I have carried that with myself and others through the years. As soon as I lower the HVAC for the night, I turn off my phone. If there is an emergency then call my wifey. So, it was with a official heart pounding that I found myself jumping straight out of bed ready to argument the other night. There was a bang coming from the basement which shook the entire house. I was running for the kids rooms before I knew I was even awake. Then, it dawned on myself and others that there may have been a heating system failure. I had heard a heating system shut down quickly before and I remember it was quite loud. Hurrying down the basement stairs, I could already stink the acrid smoke. Something had failed inside the heating system allowing it to get too hot. The resulting shut down had slammed the heating system off to keep it from cracking. As I stood by my smoldering heating system, I swear I could hear my dad cackling at myself and others from heaven or elsewhere!



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