Whole cabin media whole-house air purifier is a clean freak’s dream

I have often been described as a total clean freak.

  • While this seems to be a bit in the pejorative, I have to agree with its accuracy.

I am indeed a guy who enjoys to have their environment truly clean, organized and well kept. This is just who I am and I have been this way for as long as I can remember. I even recall my parents trying to get me to ease up a bit on how fastidious I kept myself, my room and my belongings. This must be a genetic level sort of thing. However, the reality is that a single can’t keep an environment in a state of permanent cleanliness. So, I have to do the best I can not to get too weirded out when my cabin is less than perfect. A great example is the inside air within my home. Every one of us live in an section where the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cooling is on much of the year. In order to reign in utility costs, we have sealed our cabin extremely tight. This way, the Heating as well as Air Conditioning treated air stays inside the house. The drawback of this is the fact that much of the inside air seems to be just always recycled over and again. This causes odor problems. And, where there are odor problems, there are germs. While I am not an outright germ-a-phobe, I am not a fan of them proliferating throughout my home. Since we can’t open the windows for fresh air while the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cooling is on, I had to find another remedy. I found a single in the whole cabin media whole-house air purifier. It is installed in the Heating as well as Air Conditioning air handler and kills all contaminants using UV light.
